September 20, 2010

XS Wish List

OMG... why all those xs designs are soooooo attractive? I have some kits at hands right now, and some are still on the way, and a lot of free downloaded patterns to choose. But still I keep on browsing and finding designs which make me eager to buy again and again. *HEAVY SIGH*

I have neglected HAED designs (coz I will NEVER be able to finish any of them), and tried not to look at Dimension's (quite expensive if I have to purchase from Indonesian OL shops *previously I purchased from Fanny in US*). And know what? The SODA designs are also attracting me with their colourful designs. Maybe I will have to stop logging in facebook.

prima ballerina
encore ballerina
on your toes
little monks
flip flops
morning activity (ada seri boys jg)
seasons boys - girls
bears love
chinese boys
clean & fresh
oriental animals
welcome mat

I have the pattern of Teddy Bears Gathering, but still wishing for the kits. *need horse glasses*
Teddy bears gathering
I'm also wishing for this House Rules, while I already have another house rules pattern.
House Rules
I have this one
See? I think I'm not a cross stitch addict, but a shopaholic. Phew!

PS: Photos are taken from various source. Hopefully I didn't do any violence. Please notify me if anyone has any objection.

Updated 15-11-2001:

  • Akhirnya aku udh dpt pola House Rules, diksh sm teman. Pola asli loh, bukan scan ato fotocopy. Thx a lot, fren.
  • Pola morning activity jg udh punya, tp polanya msh berantakan. Puas deh, malah dpt satu set bareng yg boys.
  • Yg Dewi Kwan Im aku blm dapet, tp kebetulan ada teman FB yg berbaik hati memberikan aku paket (please note, it's kit, not just the pattern) Dewi Kwan Im yg versi lain. Thanks, fren.
  • Seri balerina nya Marty Links aku udh beli sebagian. Lumayan lg sale 25%, tp kits² tsb blm nyampe di tangan. Malah blm ada kabar dr yg jualan. Deg²an jg nunggunya.


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