At this time, we cannot verify the ownership of the account. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to reactivate your account or further correspond with you regarding this matter. This decision is final.
Akhirnya krn penasaran, bkn krn ga ada kerjaan *I'm still very busy*, aku coba nyari² info. DAN....kemungkinan terbesar adalah... emang si pemilik FB melanggar peraturan no.1 & no.5 dlm Statement of Rights and Responsibilities-nya FB.
1. You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.
5. If you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.Si empunya FB kan jualan pola² cross-stitch *kristik* keluaran Dimension sm HAED (Heaven and Earth Designs), dan foto² yg dipajang di album² nya foto² original. So, kemungkinan sih FBnya diblokir gara² majang copyrighted photos.
Tiba² terlintas, kl aku beli paket ori, trs aku jepret sendiri gambar dr paket tsb, am I violating?
Dan smlm wkt blogwalking, tiba² jg ketemu pola HAED "Winter's Spell by Rachael Tallamy". It's amazing, isn't it?
Winter's Spell by Rachael Tallamy |
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